Reduction of Personal Conflict: Through enhanced emotional intelligence and personal problem solving skills of incarcerated individuals.

Peacemaking: By enabling incarcerated individuals to engage in constructive and non-violent methods of respectful problem solving to resolve interpersonal and group conflicts.

Capacity-Building: Through creating opportunities for expansion of Peacemaking skills throughout communities of incarceration by training the incarcerated to be mentors and instructors.

Sustainability: In working with lifers and long-termers to become highly trained instructors Prison of Peace can continue in the prison/jail environment without continued outside investment.

Value: In developing an understanding of the power of non-coercive, non-violent methods of conflict resolution by and for incarcerated men and women themselves, correctional officers and prison administrators are able to save significant resources otherwise spent on responding to inmate conflict and further incarceration

Safety: With productive non-violent means of resolving conflict, everyone in incarcerated communities are safer, as are the communities to which the incarcerated are ultimately released.

Redemption: Through service to others transformation is possible and people are able to connect with their humanity, regardless of the crimes they committed or where they must live out their lives